Sunday, July 8, 2007

Internal communication

For having better atmosphere among the employees, the companies must start with better communication strategies to deal with its employees. Internal Communications is no more only about the memos, publications, and broadcast ,it is about building the a corporate culture and having potential to drive organizational change. It has got direct involvement of the key personnel of the companies with their employees.
Internal communications is the best way to assess the effectiveness of a company because here they can determine what is the employee's attitude towards the company.

Some of the methods a management can improve its internal communications are:

Communicate Up and Down
Many large companies are perceived as being faceless ,unfeeling organizations that is only reinforced when no upward communication exists from employees to management.Mass electronic communication can sometimes compound the "facelessness " of management.The best way to counter this problem is to encourage two way communications that will foster a sense of participation that can make even the largest companies feel smaller in the hearts and minds of employees.

Make time for face-to-face Meetings

One means of ensuring that employees have access to senior management is to hold regular, in person meetings with fairly large groups of employees,by conducting such meetings frequently it can be used as an opportunities for management to share company results and progress and to demonstrate responsiveness to prior employee feedback,these meetings also provide opportunity for employees to ask questions of management in an open forum.

Communicate Online

Internet technology ,while extremely powerful ,must be used thoughtfully if it is to enhance communication.Employees are bombarded with information through emails and voice mail,with advent of intranet it is a channel through which companies could reach their employees quickly and broadly on key events and management initiatives.Company intranet should be fast and
should be updated at real time.

Communicate Visually
It is said “Actions speak louder than words” hence the companies should try to communicate to the employees visually also. This can be achieved by the constant use of multimedia presentations, video magazines, copies of DVD's to view at home. The managers should not account for expenditures on such communication as it is not wasteful but rather an investment in the firm.

Focus on Internal Branding
Internal Branding is critical when an organization is undergoing changes such as merger or a change in leadership,it is also important in building morale and creating a workplace where employees are engaged with their jobs.
Internal Branding campaigns also can be launched when results of internal audits reveal that employees are not connecting with company's vision.

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